Monarch Minutes to Memories

Welcome to Mr. Webster's BLOG!

My BLOG aims to do the following: 1.) Provide Chrysalis with school updates and perspectives that take less than a minute to read. 2.) Chronicle our journey together each school year. 3.) Connect to students by sharing my life outside of school.

Let's make 2011-12 the best year ever at Chrysalis!

Mr. Webster
Assistant Principal

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome 6th Grade!

Welcome 6th Graders!

A big shout out to the 75 newest members of our Chrysalis family!    The journey starts here at Project Chrysalis!

Although it seems far away at the moment, your goal, in three years, will be to graduate from Chrysalis with Honors so that you will be selected to attend one of HISD’s finest Magnet or Dual Credit High Schools.  

Chrysalis is not just a destination; it will be your home for three years.  You will form countless memories and have numerous experiences that will help forge your personality and character. 

Enjoy the journey and remember that we are here to guide you on your path toward success.   

Chrysalis is a gift that will last a LIFETIME!